Ingrown Nose Hairs: Cause and How to Deal With it.

An ingrown nose hair occurs when a hair in the nostril grows back into the skin instead of growing out of the nostril. This can cause discomfort, pain, and even infection. Ingrown nose hairs are a relatively common problem, and they can affect anyone, but they are more likely to occur in people with curly or coarse hair.

Ingrown nose hairs can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper nose hair trimming, using dirty or dull trimming tools, and nasal trauma. Symptoms of ingrown nose hairs include pain, swelling, redness, and sometimes even pus-filled bumps.

To prevent ingrown nose hairs, it’s important to use clean and sharp trimming tools, trim nose hair carefully, and avoid plucking nose hair. If you do develop an ingrown nose hair, it’s important to avoid picking or squeezing it, which can lead to infection. Instead, keep the area clean and use warm compresses to reduce inflammation. If the ingrown hair becomes infected or doesn’t improve with home treatment, it’s important to see a healthcare provider for further evaluation and treatment.

Health Effect of Ingrown Nose Hair

Ingrown nose hair can be uncomfortable and even painful, but in most cases, it is not a serious health concern. However, there are a few potential health effects that may arise from ingrown nose hair:

  • Infection: Ingrown nose hair can lead to infection if bacteria enter the hair follicle or surrounding skin. Symptoms of infection may include redness, swelling, and tenderness in the affected area.
  • Nasal obstruction: In some cases, ingrown nose hair may become so large or tangled that it obstructs the nasal passage, making it difficult to breathe through the nose.
  • Nosebleeds: Ingrown nose hair can cause irritation to the nasal lining, which may lead to nosebleeds in some individuals.
  • Reduced sense of smell: Ingrown nose hair may interfere with the sense of smell if it blocks the nasal passage or causes irritation to the nasal lining.

To prevent ingrown nose hair, it’s important to maintain good nasal hygiene, including keeping the nasal passages clean and moisturized, and avoiding excessive nose hair trimming or plucking. If you develop symptoms of infection or nasal obstruction, it’s important to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional.

How to Avoid Ingrown Nose Hair 

There are several steps you can take to avoid ingrown nose hairs:

  • Use clean and sharp trimming tools: When trimming your nose hairs, use clean and sharp scissors or a nose hair trimmer. This will help prevent irritation and damage to the hair follicles, which can lead to ingrown hairs.
  • Trim nose hair carefully: When trimming your nose hair, be sure to do it carefully and gradually. Avoid cutting the hair too short or pulling it out, as this can cause the hair to grow back into the skin.
  • Avoid plucking nose hair: Plucking your nose hairs can damage the hair follicles and increase your risk of developing ingrown hairs.
  • Keep your nose clean: Keeping your nose clean can help prevent infection and reduce your risk of developing ingrown hairs. Use a gentle cleanser to wash the inside of your nose and avoid picking or scratching the inside of your nostrils.
  • Avoid nasal trauma: Avoid putting anything in your nose that could damage the hair follicles and increase your risk of developing ingrown hairs. This includes avoiding picking your nose, blowing your nose too hard, or inserting objects into your nostrils.

By following these steps, you can reduce your risk of developing ingrown nose hairs and keep your nostrils healthy and free of discomfort.

Read Also: How to Nose Trim or Remove Excess Nose Hair

How to Deal With Ingrown Nose Hairs

Ingrown nose hairs can be uncomfortable and even painful. Ingrown nose hairs can cause redness, swelling, and sometimes infection.

Here are some tips for dealing with ingrown nose hairs:

  • Do not pull out the ingrown hair. This can cause more irritation and may lead to infection. It’s best to leave the hair alone and allow it to grow out naturally.
  • Apply a warm compress to the affected area. This can help reduce inflammation and ease discomfort.
  • Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to help remove dead skin cells that may be blocking the hair follicle.
  • Keep the area clean and dry. Avoid using any products that may irritate the skin, such as harsh soaps or perfumes.
  • Use an over-the-counter topical antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection.

If the ingrown hair is causing significant discomfort or does not go away after a few days, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional. They may recommend a prescription-strength antibiotic or other treatment to help relieve symptoms and prevent infection.


In conclusion, ingrown nose hairs can be uncomfortable and even painful, and they occur when a hair grows into the skin instead of growing out of the hair follicle. While it may be tempting to try to remove an ingrown nose hair, this can often make the situation worse, leading to further irritation and potential infection.

Instead, it’s best to take steps to alleviate discomfort and prevent infection. This includes applying a warm compress, using a gentle exfoliating scrub, keeping the area clean and dry, and using an over-the-counter topical antibiotic ointment to prevent infection. If the ingrown hair is causing significant discomfort or does not go away after a few days, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional, who may recommend a prescription-strength antibiotic or other treatment to help relieve symptoms and prevent infection.

Overall, taking care of your nose hair is an important part of maintaining good hygiene and grooming habits. If you experience ingrown nose hairs, it’s important to take steps to alleviate discomfort and prevent infection, while avoiding any actions that could worsen the situation.

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