Facebook status

What does Facebook Status mean? Here is an article that explains in details what Facebook status is all about. A Facebook status is an update feature which allows users to discuss their thoughts, whereabouts, or important information with their friends. 

Facebook status

Similar to a tweet on the social networking site Twitter, a status is usually short and generally gives information without going into too much detail. When a status is updated, it posts on the user’s personal wall, as well as in the news feeds of their friends. Statuses can be updated from a web browser, mobile site, or through text message.

A Facebook status is a feature that allows users to post and share a small amount of content on their profile, on their friends’ walls and in Facebook news feeds. A user’s Facebook status may be updated using the “Update Status” bar that appears at the top of the user’s homepage and profile page.

User’s often use this space for updates about their day or to post clever quips; website, video and photos can also be shared this way. Facebook status is one of the key interactive features on Facebook. 

It allows users to receive information about what their friends are doing, reading, watching or thinking, and provides opportunities for friends to comment and interact based on what is shared. Updates can be shared from a Web browser, mobile site or through text message. Facebook status is also known as a Facebook status update.

A Facebook status update is generally designed to be short and provide some information without going into too much detail. Status updates have gained a place in popular culture as a new form of literary expression and many websites have emerged to publicize funny or clever updates. Status updates can be shared among all friends, to a select group or to individuals.

Many users also “tag” other friends in photos and messages so that Facebook will alert them that they have been mentioned. A users’ friends can comment, like and sometimes share their friends’ status updates. Users may also adjust their account privacy settings to determine who can see their updates.
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