Salary of Online Dating Consultant in USA

How much does an Online Dating Consultant make

The average annual compensation for an Online Dating Consultant in the United States is $65,773 per year as of November 9, 2021.

If you need a quick salary calculator, that works out to about $31.62 per hour. This equates to $1,265 each week or $5,481 per month.
While annual salaries for Online Dating Consultants range from $32,000 (25th percentile) to $90,000 (75th percentile) on ZipRecruiter, the majority of Online Dating Consultant salaries currently range from $32,000 (25th percentile) to $90,000 (75th percentile), with top earners (90th percentile) making $130,000 annually across the United States.

The typical compensation for an Online Dating Consultant ranges widely (up to $58,000), implying that there may be several prospects for promotion and higher pay dependent on skill level, location, and years of experience.
According to recent job posting activity on ZipRecruiter, the Online Dating Consultant job market in Suleja, NG, and throughout the state of is not very active at the moment, as few organizations are hiring. An average yearly pay for an Online Dating Consultant in your region is $65,773, which is the same as the national average annual salary of $65,773. Online Dating Consultant incomes rank first out of 50 states nationwide.

10 Cities With Highest Pay for Online Dating Consultant Jobs

We found ten cities where the average salary for an Online Dating Consultant position is higher than the national average. San Mateo, CA is at the top of the list, with Berkeley, CA and Daly City, CA coming in second and third, respectively. Daly City, CA, outperforms the national average by $12,348 (18.8%), and San Mateo, CA, outperforms the national average by another $15,316 (23.3%).

Importantly, the job market for Online Dating Consultants in San Mateo, CA is moderately active, with only a few companies currently hiring for this position.

With average salaries greater than the national average in these ten cities, the potential for economic progress as an Online Dating Consultant by shifting locales appears to be extremely lucrative.

Finally, the average income in these top ten cities differs only 11 percent between San Mateo, CA and Knik-Fairview, AK, indicating that there is little room for wage development. When it comes to location and compensation for an Online Dating Consultant position, the likelihood of a cheaper cost of living may be the most important element to consider.

City Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
San Mateo, CA $81,089 $6,757 $1,559 $38.99
Berkeley, CA $78,341 $6,528 $1,507 $37.66
Daly City, CA $78,122 $6,510 $1,502 $37.56
Richmond, CA $76,076 $6,340 $1,463 $36.57
Stamford, CT $74,077 $6,173 $1,425 $35.61
Bellevue, WA $73,876 $6,156 $1,421 $35.52
San Francisco, CA $73,239 $6,103 $1,408 $35.21
Brooklyn, NY $72,735 $6,061 $1,399 $34.97
Lakes, AK $72,434 $6,036 $1,393 $34.82
Knik-Fairview, AK $72,342 $6,029 $1,391 $34.78

Credit: ZipRecruiter

 5 Best Paying Other Related Online Dating Consultant Jobs in the U.S.

When we looked at some similar careers to the Online Dating Consultant job category, we discovered that the average salary for Online Writing Consultant jobs is higher than the average salary for Online Dating Consultant jobs.

However, the average compensation for an Online Writing Consultant is only 4% ($2,650) higher than the average salary for an Online Dating Consultant, which is $65,773. If you’re qualified, working as an Online Writing Consultant could help you earn a little more money than the ordinary Online Dating Consultant.

ob Title Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
Online Writing Consultant $68,423 $5,702 $1,316 $32.90
Online Medical Consultant $64,650 $5,388 $1,243 $31.08
Online Educational Consulting $64,024 $5,335 $1,231 $30.78
Online Business Consultant $63,576 $5,298 $1,223 $30.57
Dating Consultant $62,804 $5,234 $1,208 $30.19

Credit: ZipRecruiter

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