The Perfect Car Mechanic: What You Should Look For

Having a car to call your own can be a great testament to your hard work and dreams – after all, not everyone gets the opportunity to get a car they like, much more actually be able to pay for it.

Regardless if you’ve done this through cash or credit, or through full or partial payment, the point stands that you have an automobile and you want to take care of it. 

Thing is, this means regular maintenance, and ensuring top-quality materials and repairs all throughout. 
Of course, this can get costly and stressful – especially with rising gas prices, the stresses of traffic, and the thought of always having the car spotlessly clean. 
If you have a person to rely on, such as a car mechanic, you’ll at least get that sigh of relief and ensure your car stays safe and fully functional. 
How exactly do you find that kind of person, though? What makes a perfect car mechanic? Here are some tips you might want to check out:
1. Assess if they have the necessary documentation to treat your car in the first place. An essential factor when looking for a car mechanic is to first make sure they’re equipped and capable of treating your car in the first place.

The Perfect Car Mechanic: What You Should Look For

If you’re looking at a third-party contractor or car mechanic, it’s wise to first check if they have the necessary documentation and licenses to work and operate as car mechanics, especially in your area.

This is important, as you need to make sure they possess the right documentation to treat your car without any risks and difficulties.

After all, even if you have insurance, car mechanics still have to be liable for any damages incurred to your vehicle.

When looking for a car mechanic, check if they’re certified to operate by state law or as per your country’s laws. Aside from licenses to operate, confirm if they’re even an actual licensed professional or entity in the industry.

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Likewise, confirm what kinds of certification and documentation they have that certifies their skill and their capability as a mechanic. This might seem nitpicky on your end, but it does help to be sure to confirm you’re working with someone legitimate.

Lastly, check if they have the necessary safety permits to operate and modify your vehicle. Confirm what forms of insurance they have, especially when something happens to your vehicle because of your modifications.

2. Confirm their methods of payment and operations. It’s essential to make yourself familiar with the standard operating protocols of your car mechanics, especially when it comes to treating your vehicle.

This ensures you’re aware of exactly how your car will be treated by the mechanics are going to hire.

The Perfect Car Mechanic: What You Should Look For

Likewise, it can be reassuring to know how you’re going to pay your mechanics once they start working with you.

Clarifying these, especially when it comes to the specifics, can greatly help ensure that payments and services will be fair on both your part and the part of the mechanics in question.

> With regards to payment, it helps to be aware of exactly the method of payment they prefer, whether they want their payments cash, or check, or even in credit. Also, do clarify how often you have to pay them for their services – if it’s in down payment, or an hourly rate, or per session. It also helps do clarify if there are particular discounts or promos you can avail especially given your car’s warranty and manufacturer.

> Try asking for a quotation whenever you do business with them. This will help you zero in on exactly how much you owe your mechanics for their services. Do clarify if there are special payments you have to do, like food and transportation allowances.

> As per their operations, try to ask if you can observe them work on another client’s car, or if they can do a demonstration on your end, even if it’s paid. This will let you know how your car mechanics operate and how they work from a real-life standpoint.

3. Check their history with cars. Just because a car mechanic can fix cars doesn’t mean they’re already a good fit for you. If possible, find and check your prospective car mechanic’s history with vehicles they’ve treated and fixed.

The Perfect Car Mechanic: What You Should Look For

This gives you a general idea as to the kind of cars they’ve been able to treat better, and their overall experience with cars.

After all, if your car mechanic has played their fair share of drifting games, they’ll likely understand how to treat your car’s problem regarding drifting.

This can be tricky at first, but knowing this information lets you zero in if they’ve treated cars like yours or if they have some experience with your manufacturer.

> Of course, this means it’s recommended you take your car to a mechanic that’s either used to treating cars of your manufacturer, or someone from your manufacturer. They will most likely be very familiar with your car and it’s problems.

> If you’re keen on hiring a third party mechanic, try checking if your prospective mechanic has dealt with your manufacturer and its cars. If not, ask for a list of cars they’re familiar with similar to your unit, and confirm what problems they’ve been able to treat. The more cars they’re able to treat similar to your car and your problem, the more likely they’ll be able to remedy your predicament.

4. Attitude makes everything else worth the while. A lot of people would say you should always pick professionals that will always get the job done. That’s true, but it also helps to find someone with the right attitude when it comes to approaching your car’s problems.

The Perfect Car Mechanic: What You Should Look For

No matter how familiar anyone can get with a car, the fact of the matter is that anything can happen to any of your car’s parts. And it takes a whole lot of patience to test, identify, and eventually fix these problems.

If you’re getting a car mechanic you’d rely on for the rest of your car’s life, get someone who’s not just inquisitive about solving your car’s problems, but also honest enough to tell you what’s wrong.

> When you have a prospect in mind, try speaking to their references. Ask how they approach work and how their attitude is like. Alongside these, ask them how they solve problems and treat the cars they’re asked to remedy. Do they refer to tuning guides, or do they have a reference of sorts when checking how to do particular modifications and repairs?

> Try speaking with car mechanics you’d think you’ll want to hire. Maybe you can take them to your car and have them do a preliminary check. Observe the way they speak with you and how they check the car. If their method of inspection is something that’s in-depth and their explanation is brief but clear, they might be good for you.

The Perfect Car Mechanic: It’s A Matter of Coordination, Understanding
With the tips above, it’s important to remember that just because you have a reliable car mechanic doesn’t mean you should leave all business with the car with them.

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An essential component of your mechanic’s performance has a lot to do with being clear what services you want to avail from them and understanding what you need to do to help them pull them off. Granted, investing in a car mechanic can incur additional costs on your part.

However, you might consider preferring to spend a bit of money on a car mechanic instead of risking breaking your car entirely.

Hopefully, with the tips above, you’ll be able to find a car mechanic you can truly rely on.

The Perfect Car Mechanic: What You Should Look For
Guest Post By Jamie Bell

Bio: Jamie Bell is a certified techie-at-heart, but she shares a love for all things science and technology, health and wellness, and even a bit of music on the side. As a creative writer, Jamie makes sure to write both informative and entertaining pieces. She loves writing, and she plays the guitar when she has free time.

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