How To Find Facebook Marketplace Settings – Facebook Business

How To Find Facebook Marketplace Settings – Facebook Business: Are you looking for a guide for accessing the facebook marketplace settings page?

See: All about facebook buy and sell groups rules

If your answer is yes, here is a complete step by step tutorial for locating facebook marketplace settings page and how to use it to manage your facebook marketplace settings.

How To Find Facebook Marketplace Settings – Facebook Business

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A Facebook marketplace setting is the way you edit the privacy, notification, etc. From the marketplace settings, you can make your marketplace privacy. 

There are many editing you can do from the Facebook marketplace settings. You can only have access to the Facebook marketplace settings if you have an account on the platform and also the marketplace is available in your locality.

Let’s know what a Facebook Marketplace means.

Facebook marketplace is a simple and convenient means of selling and buying locally. You can find great deals of listing on the marketplace to make a purchase of the items you would need. The marketplace is not a standalone app on it but it is within Facebook itself. You do not need to set up a new account to use it. 
In the marketplace, you can find items like TVs, clothes, cars and real estate. Most people on the app sell both old and new items. It is compatible with any device including IOS, Android, Desktops and laptops devices. The marketplace is not yet available worldwide just in 50 countries.
List Of Regions That Can Access to The Facebook Marketplace
The Facebook marketplace is available in only 50 countries for now but the platform is working on making it worldwide. 
To use the marketplace you must be 18 years and older in the following locations;
  1. Argentina.
  2. Australia.
  3. Austria.
  4. Belgium.
  5. Belize.
  6. Bulgaria.
  7. Canada.
  8. Chile.
  9. Costa Rica.
  10. Croatia.
  11. Cyprus.
  12. The Czech Republic.
  13. Denmark.
  14. Ecuador.
  15. Estonia.
  16. The Dominican Republic.
  17. Finland.
  18. France.
  19. Germany.
  20. Greece.
  21. Hungary.
  22. India.
  23. Ireland.
  24. Italy.
  25. Latvia.
  26. Lithuania.
  27. Luxembourg.
  28. Malta.
  29. Mexico.
  30. The Netherlands.
  31. New Zealand.
  32. Norway.
  33. Panama.
  34. Paraguay.
  35. Peru.
  36. The Philippines.
  37. Poland.
  38. Portugal.
  39. Puerto Rico.
  40. Romania.
  41. Singapore.
  42. Slovenia.
  43. South Africa.
  44. Spain.
  45. Sweden.
  46. Switzerland.
  47. Thailand.
  48. The United Kingdom.
  49. The United States.
  50. Uruguay.

This is the list of countries the Facebook marketplace is available for now.
How to Sign up for Facebook
To access the Facebook marketplace settings you must have a Facebook account or you can simply sign up for a new account if you do not have. You can sign up via the Facebook mobile or the website. Follow the steps below to sign up for an account;

  1. Launch the Facebook mobile app if you have installed on your device or access your browser and go to
  2. Type in a name for the account; first name and surname.
  3. Select the date of birth you want to use for the account.
  4. Fill in your phone number or email address.
  5. Choose your gender from the options there and then create a password for the account.
  6. Hit on Sign up to register.
The Facebook account will be created and Facebook will send you a confirmation mail or text to use in verifying the details of the account. You can verify it by mail or code.
Logging in to your Facebook profile
If you already have a Facebook account, you can easily log in to your account by following the guide below;

  1. Open the mobile app downloaded on your device or go to their website at
  2. Fill in the login details on the text box provided (phone number or email address and password of the account).
  3. Hit on Log in to load the Facebook account.
How to turn on or off Marketplace Notifications
You can easily turn on or off your Facebook marketplace settings like the notifications you want to receive or not. To turn marketplace notifications follow the steps below;

  1. Login to your Facebook Homepage.
  2. Go to your Settings page.
  3. Hit on Notifications from the page.
  4. Hit on Marketplace and then edit.
  5. Click on the On or Off next to the notification type.
Your notification settings will be turned on or off according to the way you want it to be.
Features of Facebook Marketplace – Facebook Business Market Place
Facebook marketplace for the business main feature is to cut off all intermediaries and give power to vendors connecting them to potential customers and giving one interaction capability between buyer and seller all done through Facebook messenger. Some other features are:

Increases awareness: Facebook marketplace for business is the best possible way to increase your online awareness on your products with millions of users logged on to their account every day the possibility of being viewed is increased drastically.
Bestseller categories: Facebook marketplace for business come with the best seller category that keeps you informed on products and services that get the most traction of the Facebook marketplace.
Facebook marketplace for business has a number of other features that you will probably found out and fall in love with once you open shop and link your business page to the Facebook marketplace. Facebook marketplace is by far the best online sales social services out there now.

How to Use Facebook Marketplace for Business | Facebook Marketplace Online
Doing business on Facebook just got a hell of a lot more fun and productive with the addition of the Facebook market place by the Facebook company in October of 2016. 
With several ways to use Facebook marketplace here a the list of how to use it for business:

  1. Open your Facebook application
  2. Create a Facebook business page
  3. Link your Facebook business page with the Facebook marketplace
  4. Create a listing on your business marketplace
  5. Monitor what sells on marketplace
  6. Create a great category to get more customers
  7. Use the ad to publicize your products on the business page

There are a lot of other ways to use the Facebook marketplace for business. Find out what works for you and put it into practice.
That is it on How To Find Facebook Marketplace Settings – Facebook Business.
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