How to Manage Facebook Photos

Facebook is a very large community where people communicate. It is more than just a place where you can post information about yourself. You can add Facebook photos and create albums as well.

 You can share your Facebook photos with friends and family and order prints.

 First, we’re going to add Facebook photos. Log in to Facebook. With either the desktop site or the mobile app, you can upload photos as part of a post or status update. With the desktop site, you can also upload photos via the Photos link on the left navigation menu.

 If you are using the Facebook mobile app, the Photos menu is located under the main menu that is at the bottom right of the screen.

 1. Add Photos on Facebook
Using the status update to upload photos, select Photo/Video on the desktop site or tap Photo on the mobile app.

 • This will access the folders on your computer or mobile device and you can choose one or more photos to upload.

•The photo will upload and you can select it to edit it to use filters, crop, add text or stickers.

•You can add a description of the photo and tag people.

•You can also choose whether to make it public or restrict access to it.

•Once you are ready, tap Post to post the photo.

Adding Photos From Photos Menu of Desktop Site 

This photo upload option is only available on the desktop site, not on the mobile app. If you simply want to add a few photos from the Photos link on the desktop site without creating an album, select ​Add Photos. 
A window will open to select photos from your computer. Select one or several and select Open. 

 These will now upload and appear in an Add Photos window. You will be able to add a description of the photos and add who you were with at the time. Click on any of the photos to tag friends, use filters, crop, add text or stickers.

 You can choose to make the photos public, visible only to friends, visible only to friends except for acquaintances or private.

 2. Start a New Photo Album on Facebook – Desktop Site There are two ways to create an album using the desktop website version of Facebook. You can start in the Photo menu, accessed from the left side menu. Select Add Album.

 Or, you can start in the Status posting box and select Photo/Video Album. 

Creating an album takes a different path if you are using the Facebook mobile app on your phone or tablet, so we will discuss that at the end.

3. Choose Photos to Add Facebook Desktop Site
 •For the desktop site: After you choose Create Album, a File Upload pane will open. You will see a box with two sides on the page. On the left are the files on your computer. Go to the folder where your photos are from this list.

•When you find the folder you will see your photos on the right. Choose the photos you want to add to Facebook by clicking on the checkbox next to each photo you want to add.

•If you want to add them all click the Select All button.

• After you have chosen the photos you want to add click on the Open button.

• You will be brought to the Create Album window where your photos will begin uploading and will be displayed as they are uploaded.

 4. Customize Your Album Name and Description – Desktop Site

 On the left side of the Create Album page, you can give your album a title and write a description. You can add a location for the album and tag friends.

• Shared Albums: You can make the album a shared album with ​Facebook friends so they can add photos. If you select this option, you can add contributors who can also upload photos to this album.

• Decide who you want to be able to see the album: everyone (public), your friends, friends except acquaintances, or only you.

5. Add a Photo Caption

•Write something about the photo as a caption or description.

•Click on one of the people in the photo. Add their name to the box that pops up. Click Tag when you have added the name.

•Add names for everyone in the picture.

•Choose one of the photos as your album cover photo using the Settings icon below the photo.

•When you are finished adding captions to your photos scroll to the bottom of the page and click Post.

6. Add More Photos

If you want to add more photos to your album click the Add More Photos link. You can also edit and even delete your albums, or change their privacy settings at any time.
 7. View Your Photos

Click Photos in the left column of your newsfeed or in your profile to see your new photos and albums. You can also download your albums, which is a good option for saving copies of your photos.

 8 . Creating an Album – Facebook Mobile App

To create an album using the Facebook mobile app, you can do it in a couple of ways.

 Creating an Album From the Facebook App Home Screen: 

•Starting at the Home screen, tap on Photo as if you were going to simply post a photo. Select photos from your camera roll or other folders, then tap Done.

•Now look for the +Album button under your name to create an album from the photos you chose.

•You will be able to then give the album a name and description, and choose whether it is public or has restricted access, and to add a location. Save the album and then you will be able to edit and add captions to the photos.

Creating an Album From the Facebook App Photos Screen:

•Go to the menu in the lower left corner of the app and scroll down to Photos.

•Select Albums and tap Create Album

•Give the album a title and add a description. Set the audience and add or remove the location.
Tap Save.

Now you can access your camera roll and other folders to select and upload photos to the new album.

 You can edit an album to allow others to contribute to it. Open the album, select Edit, and toggle the Allow Contributors to green. Then tap on Contributors to open a list of your Facebook friends to allow them to upload photos to the album.

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